Whistling Cave
Yesterday Kim, Pat, and I drove to Upton, MA to find the Whistling Cave. It was a nice hike, very quiet, we couldn't hear any highway noises at all. We followed the Loop Road out to a very murky pond with some nice waterlillys. We ran into five groups of people- a couple with twins in backpacks and a giant yellow lab, a man by himself, a man with a big scary black dog that he made sit while we passed by, a guy on a bike, and an older couple.

On the way back we took the Whistling Cave Trail. We took some pictures with the rocks that earned the trail that name. I climbed through the "cave" which was really just a large rock resting on a smaller rock with a little passageway underneath.

After the wooded area filled with large boulders there was an unexpected steep hill before meeting up with the Park Road that led us back to the parking lot.
so, does the cave/rock whistle or do people whistle when they see it or when they run thru the cave in corduroy pants??
mom D
We whistled.
Thanks for the idea! If the tropical storm doesn't come than yes we should do it, otherwise we should pick another date and hike it then...
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