Jerimoth Hill and Glocester Hiking & Fitness Trails

Last weekend Kim, Anne, Pat, and I headed to Jerimoth Hill, the "highest point" in Rhode Island. We were a bit disappointed when we got there and found out that the Jerimoth Hill Trail is really only maybe a quarter of a mile round-trip. And that the highest point is only 5 feet higher than the road and it is in the woods, so absolutely no view. We did have a nice view from the road and a good laugh at ourselves for bringing granola bars and water.

We were still in the mood for a hike, so we found our way to route 44 and the Glocester Hiking and Fitness Trails there. My Mom took me there a few times growing up. It is a really nice place with wide trails and bridges that take you over a meandering brook. It also has fitness equipment scattered throughout the trail. We stopped along the way and did some push ups, pull ups, and climbed some raised parallel bars. We also took a turn on the swing sets. It wasn't too crowded, just a few other people there. I would definitely recommend the trails to anyone looking for a nice, quiet, easy hike.