Hike Club Lives!
Yesterday Scott, Pat, and I met up at Callahan State Park in Framingham, MA. The weather was so beautiful we just couldn't stay inside. The park turned out to be full of dogs. I had never seen so many dogs in one place in my entire life.
When Pat and I first got to the park there was one dog who was totally out of control and drunk with freedom. He was racing around with no regard for the woman who was trying to corral him. She finally decided to call her husband to come and get "his dog." The dog then started harassing a horse and rider, so I clapped my hands a bunch of times and got the dog's attention and Pat chased the dog back to the owner and it jumped right into the husband's car as he arrived in the parking lot. So Pat saved the day!
Then we walked along a ridge above, what in season would have been, a field of corn. And followed that path into the woods. There were a few steep climbs, but short steep climbs, nothing too strenuous. We followed an outer path around the park and considered ourselves lost although we weren't too concerned about it. We met up with a jogger who told us that the map we were looking at was totally inaccurate and that people often got lost for hours on these trails. When I realized I couldn't hear dogs barking anymore, Scott climbed a tree and found us a path that would head us back to where we had left the cars.

When we got closer to the beginning of the loop we decided we weren't quite ready to head home and so we headed down another path which led into a big field where there were at least a dozen dogs of all different size and breed racing around. It was fun to watch the dogs frolic and play together. There was a little pond that some of the dogs were swimming in. When we got closer we saw some strange bright green masses floating in the water which Scott pointed out were frog eggs.
It was a really nice hike. Other than having to watch where we stepped, it was definitely a high quality hike. If you have a friendly dog and live in the Framingham area I double recommend it.