Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mount Cardigan

On Saturday, July 9th, the Hike Club will be heading to Mount Cardigan in central New Hampshire. We will take the West Side Loop in Cardigan State Park east of Canaan.

From Foghorn Outdoors:
Total distance: 3.5 miles round-trip
Hiking time: 2 hours
Difficulty: 4 out of 10 ("The hike entails one of the following qualities: climbs 1,000+ feet in elevation, covers at least four miles, or has steep, rugged sections")
Rating: 10 overall quality ("The quality rating is based largely on scenic qualities, although it also takes into account how crowded a trail is and whether or not you see or hear civilization.")

Monadnock has a difficulty rating of 6, so this mountain should be a bit easier. If you are free and looking for starter mountain, please join us!

Let me know if you are interested by emailing me or commenting here and we will figure out a plan.

Update: Pat found this link

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I bought a book called "New Hampshire Hiking" and I have been searching around on the web for good places to hike. So far I am looking into Welch and Dickey, Sugarloaf, Chocorua, and Cardigan for mountains and Norman Bird Sanctuary, Purgatory Chasm, and Douglas State Forest for hikes without elevation. These are all very tentative suggestions and I am hoping for input.

The dates that I am looking at are mostly Saturdays, unless it is a long weekend. These are also very flexible and subject to change.
July 9th and 23rd
August 6th, 20th, and 27th
September 4th (the Sunday of Labor Day weekend) and 17th
October 1st, and 9th (the Sunday of Columbus Day weekend)

Let me know what you think!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Hike Club Begins

Yesterday Pat, Kim, and I climbed Monadnock. It was great. One of those days where you push yourself and really accomplish something you are proud of. Hey I climbed a mountain! Not that we haven't done it before, but everytime you get that great feeling.

While climbing, we decided to start "Hike Club."
The plan is to come up with a bunch of dates when we could meet up at different mountains or good hiking spots (approx. every two weeks.) We will post the directions and time to meet or come up with a carpool plan depending on where people lived, etc. We will also post about how long it should take, what you should bring, and anything else important. We might camp near the mountain sometimes too.

Everyone is welcome and there is no pressure. If you can make is just one time, or everytime that's great!

Then we would post all the pictures here and write about the experience.